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The company grew out of postdoctoral work amidst a background of Ivy Colleges in the northeastern U.S.  Gathering from experience of both large and small companies, it was possible to design a schematic for a new enterprise involving aviation and medical science, patent engineering, and the forecasting of global issues.

After becoming familiar with the hardware of telecommunication satellites, groundwork was set to usher in the new features of modern network communications. Software and computer engineering became the spotlight for the development of such projects as the internet and office computing.

Parallel to the venture of space and technology is the growing concern of the health and medical fields to maintain our existence in a developing civilisation. Practices for increasing health, improving human vision, and extending longevity steadily progressed until one realizes the leap into the future we eventually made.

The company, R Lang & Associates, was so named by the influence of colleagues and has remained the name ever since.  It has persisted on its ability to make evaluations of the present and the future, its ingenuity towards invention, and following the dictates of a moral society to achieve future goals.
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R Lang & Associates